Friday, May 19, 2006


Which is the ony non-fictional character to be mentioned in "The Adventures of Tintin" series??

Hint: Was mentioned in the book "Tintin in America"


sandeep said...

mahatma gandhi ?

like 0 is my fav answer for all mathematical problems.

Smart-Alecky said...

options sa'ar

Epiphany said...

Hint : Eliot ness was reponsible for geting him!
Think Muviz!

Ambar said...

Al Capone IIRC. Tintin takes on Capone's mob in the book.

Ishwar said...

Al Capone gets mentines in Tintin in the Congo too.

And Herge himself comes in Seven Crystal Balls as one of the audience - Madame Yamilah's show.

Epiphany said...

yup....Herge appears in "Tintin in Congo" too

Anonymous said...

Al Capone was seen in Tintin in America and mentioned in Tintin in the Congo. When Herge wrote Tintin in America, Capone was still alive, so Herge couldnt make him the chief villain who Tintin finally captured at the end. He settled for a fictional charactter, Bobby Smiles, instead. Since deep within Herge really wanted Al Capone to be caught by Tintin, he inserted a sequence in the story where Tintin nabs Capone but the cops disbelieve him, enabling Capone run away. It's true, It's true. You just heard from a Tintinologist.

PS: Herge makes an appearance in many books, even in Tintin in the land of soviets, King Ottokar's sceptre (with hi 1st wife and his assistant EP Jaacobs)7 crystal balls, etc. Cigars of the Pharaoh's cover has EP Jacobs seen in a coffin as EP Jacobini, Egyptiologist. I could go on for ages ... :)