Sunday, January 25, 2009

with a little help from my friends...

Watched an old movie today..The big chill

I haven't been in touch with too many of people I have known over the years. But I do "ping" a few of them out of the blue some times...this includes adding "friends" on social networking sites. There are people who you haven't talked to in AGES and the next time you call them you just carry on from the last unfinished PJ, or the last abuse they were heaping on you for not being in touch...then there are those who you talk to exitedly for 15 minutes about the old times and the poeople you knew and then the conversation floats into an uncomfortable silence....

I am lucky to have some of the former kind..hope the new people I meet add into that pool...I know I know...wierd stuff to put here but watch the movie, you'll get it.

BTW if you like classic rock, try the OST for this movie....

1 comment:

Cynic in Wonderland said...

yus- some friends one just take off and some are so awkward. hmmmm