Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Well almost I - Taking Lives...

He is a "soldier" for his country. Chasing a "terrorist". The Fog is thick. The visibility poor. He notices a glint of metal to his left from the corner of his eye. Unlatches the safety on his automatic and 1 shot takes care of the "insurgent". That is That. Did what he was supposed to...

He is a "freedom fighter". Being chased by an "infidel". The Fog is thick. The visibility poor. He
can hear the rustling of dried leaved and twigs to his right. That bastard can't be this close. He turns around and shoots towards the source. The noise stops. He is safe now. That is That. Did what he was supposed to...

She is 6 years old. Babysitting her 4 year old brother. For some reason he loves playing with spoons. She holds out the spoon in the sun, just to make sure it is clean. She feels the warmth of her blood on her ear. For some reason it is dripping from her head on to her face....

He is just 4. Waiting for his sister to get him his toys. Well what he thinks are toys anyway. Till she returns the kid continues to wrestle, the dried leaves. He doesn't feel the stab of pain. He doesn't have time. He just lies there for eternity...

That is that. Every body did what they were supposed to...WELL ALMOST!


Ramya said...

nice post..:)

S said...

...of potent dreams, and wild imagination!! :)
quite a thriller...well almost ;)
wat happens next?

Alien said...

morbid... but true!!